Hannah Cullum-Sanders


Hannah Cullum-Sanders


Country Australia


DOB 30th July, 2003

Redcliffe Leagues Hockey Club


Ritual Stick

Finesse 95

Career Highlights

  • Hockeyroos Debut 2022
  • Trans- Tasman Series 2022

    Notes from the field

      I started playing hockey at the age of 5 in my hometown Maryborough. I grew up playing there for 10 years before having to travel 2-3 hours each weekend to play at a higher level in the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane. I’m currently on a gap year just working at a supermarket.

    Hannah's Ritual

    I used to be extremely superstitious and have a very long game day ritual from morning to night, bur recently I have just stuck to the simplest routine of left shinpad then right shinpad.