Tobias Biekens


Tobias Biekens


Country Belgium


DOB 2nd February 2001

Braxgata HC

Red Lions

Ritual Stick

Velocity 95

Career Highlights

  • Red Lions Debut 2022
  • Junior World Cup 2022

Notes from the field

I have played my whole life at the same club in Belgium, Braxgata, where we reached play offs last season only for the second time in the club’s history. This summer I am finishing my Bachelor of Business Administration. This year I launched an application called “YUMI PRINT” with my brothers, it’s an app where you can send printed photos to your friends and family! (go check it out in your app store!). I also love to relax in the city, meet up with friends and play some cards.

Tobi's Ritual

  I live with 5 of my teammates! We try to have breakfast together and a coffee around the corner every Sunday. I don’t really have same routines/rituals every game, but I like to have some laughs with my teammates before the game.